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CornMill Hungary Kft.
2942 Nagyigmánd,
Burgert Róbert
Agrár-ipari Park 03/10.
Tel.: +36 34 356-762
Fax: +36 34 356-610
E-mail: cornmill@cornmill.hu

Adatkezelési tájékoztatók

Corn culinary flour


From the corn culinary flour, special bread-flours, gluten-free bakery-products and other basic commodities for baking purposes are made.

Quality specification:

moisturemax. 14,0%
oilmax. 2,0%

Particle size:

under 400 micron100,0%
under 315 micron80,0%


the ready-products are packed into either 50 kg polypropylene bags used in food industry or packed into BIG-BAG containers, but bulk transportation  is also possible.

Shelf life of the product:

in winter90 days
in summer60 days



CORNMILL Hungary Kft. 2012.