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CornMill Hungary Kft.
2942 Nagyigmánd,
Burgert Róbert
Agrár-ipari Park 03/10.
Tel.: +36 34 356-762
Fax: +36 34 356-610
E-mail: cornmill@cornmill.hu

Adatkezelési tájékoztatók

Corn germ


Due to the high E-vitamin content of the corn germ,  it has positive influence on the growth of the animals and on the fat-content of milk.

It has very good psychological effect on the animals.

Quality specification:

moisturemax. 12,5%
oilmin. 17,0%


the ready-products are packed into either 50 kg polypropylene bags used in food industry, but bulk  
transportation  is also possible.

Shelf life of the product:

October 01 – April 01 (90 days)
April 01 – October 01 (60 days)


CORNMILL Hungary Kft. 2012.